
供应 糯马铃薯淀粉


一种全新的马铃薯品种—糯马铃薯,又叫蜡质马铃薯(WAXY POTATO)经过世界**大的马铃薯淀粉深加工企业-荷兰艾维贝公司20多年的潜心研究,终于成功地实现了工业化(其商品名是:Eliane),于2005年4月正式向包括中国在内的全球市场推出。来源于非转基因技术的糯马铃薯淀粉,同普通的马铃薯淀粉,木薯和蜡质玉米淀粉相比,具有许多新的特点:低糊化温度;高黏度,比以往的淀粉要高50%以上;高通明性,更好的外观;高膨化效率,等特色。是开发新产品,提高产品质量不可多得的新原料。(广州市凯闻食品原料有限公司 张乐兴供稿)

New technology , new product
A new potato –waxy potato(its name is Eliane), is found by AVEBE GROUP ,which is the biggest company in potato starch, after researched more 20 years. Now waxy potato can be volume-produced in Holand , in April 2005, AVEBE GROUP began to introduce this new product in world market. The waxy potato is GMO-free ,its viscosity is highest than other starch the clarity and excellent expansion characteristics are knockout. Waxy potato starch is a irreproachable new material to improve quality, develop new product.