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供应 UHT套管式超高温瞬时杀菌机

生产能力: 1~10t/h。具有热回收效高,结构紧凑美观,温度控制稳定等特点。
控制方式: 半自动控制、全自动控制(PLC控制,触摸屏显示)。

Productive capability: 1~10t/h。Featuring high hegh heat reclaim rate,compact layout,stable temperature control.
Control mode:Semiautomatic controlautomatic control (plc control,touch screendisplay)By use of instant ultra-high temperature processing method,enable liquid milk products,soft drinks,fruit juices to be throughly sterilized and packed.The sterilizing temperature is
between 125-140℃,and temperature retaiing time is only at 4-5 second,thus making the products being processed to
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