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供应 美国克瑞止回阀


美国克瑞止回阀,美国克瑞旋启式止回阀,美国克瑞升降式止回阀,美国克瑞蝶式止回阀  美国克瑞止回阀详细介绍: DRVZ(H42X)美国克瑞止回阀主要由阀体、阀座、导流体、阎瓣、轴承及弹簧等主要零件组成,内部流道采用流线型设计压力损失极小。阀瓣启闭行程很短停泵时可快速关闭防止巨大的水锤声具有静音关闭的特点。该阀主要用于给排水、消防、暖通系统可安装于水泵出口处以防止倒流及水锤对泵的损害。

Check Valves

In almost every piping system, there is a need for backflow prevention. Most piping systems utilize pumps or compressors to generate needed pressure for movement of line fluids or gases. When rotating equipment stops, flow reversal or backflow occurs. Check valves are used to stop backflow and protect rotating equipment or other mechanical devices from the sudden backflow surges that may occur. To satisfy your needs, specify Check Valves from CRANE Energy Flow Solutions® — the worldwide leader of valves manufactured for the prevention of backflow.

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