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供应 美国克瑞气动蝶阀

美国克瑞气动蝶阀,美国克瑞电动蝶阀,美国克瑞气动蝶阀代理商,美国克瑞气动蝶阀供应商,美国克瑞气动蝶阀总代理,美国克瑞气动蝶阀厂家,美国克瑞气动蝶阀制造商  美国克瑞气动蝶阀该产品由橡胶密封蝶阀和碳钢或不锈钢阀板、阀杆构成。适用于温度≤80~120℃如食品、医药、化工、石油、电力、轻纺、造纸等给排水、气体管道上作调节流量和截流介质的作用。 其主要特点为: 1、设计新颖、合理、结构独特,重量轻,启闭迅速。2、操力矩小,操作方便,省力灵巧。3、可以任何位置安装,维修方便。4、密封件可以更换,密封性能可靠达到双向密封零泄漏。5、密封材料耐老化、耐弱腐蚀,使用寿命长等特点。设计标准:GB/T2238-1989法兰连接尺寸:GB/T9113.1-2000;GB/T9115.1-2000;JB78结构长度:GB/T12221-1989压力试验:GB/T13927-1992;JB/T9092-1999

Center Line® has been a market leader in quarter-turn valves for more than 40 years, and we have earned a reputation as a supplier of superior valves at competitive prices. Our goal is to exceed industry requirements and customer expectations.

We are committed to offering products that meet a wide range of applications and requirements. We continually improve our product line by introducing new products and enhancing existing designs, providing our customers with the best products on the market.

Our complete line of resilient seated butterfly valves provides you with the reliability you need, backed by the assurance that comes with using valves designed and produced in company-owned manufacturing facilities.

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