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供应 英国桑德斯隔膜阀



PK Saunders先生于1928年发明了**早的隔膜阀,并在5年后成立了Saunders阀门公司,Saunders一直在提供流体方案的道路上前行,这些方案对耐腐蚀、抗磨损、防污染和无故障运行的要求都非常有必要。简单设计结合超过75年的尖端创新设计,因此Saunders隔膜阀处理流体的能力比任何其他类型的阀门更广泛。拥有橡胶和聚合物的独特技术,我们的核心竞争力使我们能够真正做到“科技内涵”的阀门。主要生产基地包括:

   Cwmbran (英国)

   Satara (印度)

   Conroe (美国德州)

   Cincinnati (美国,辛辛那提)


Since P K Saunders invented the original diaphragm valve in 1928 and founded Saunders Valve Co. five years later, Saunders® has led the way in providing solutions in industries where resistance to corrosion, abrasion, contamination, and trouble-free operation are imperative. Simplicity in design coupled with over 75 years of cutting edge innovation has resulted in the Saunders® diaphragm valve’s ability to handle a wider range of fluids than any other valve type. Our core competencies in rubber and polymer technology uniquely position us to truly manage 'The Science Inside' the valve. Our major manufacturing facilities around the world

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